Daily Guide
Starting in West Elizabeth today folks..
We have a lot of travelling to do today folks, if you have a hunting or bounty wagon then use that as you travel around. You can always acquire a coach or wagon through other means if you don’t have your own.
The nearest fast travel post to Owanjila is in Strawberry. Head up to the dam to get the visit then jump into the lake for a swim. It’ll take two stamina bars to get the distance so don’t go too far from the shore.
Next, head to Valentine to visit a store then use the fast travel post to get to Legras. Whooping Cranes can be found in Bluewater Marsh and Bayou Nwa. Just check around the water’s edge for them. THe islands to the east of Legras are a good place to check. So is Copperhead Landing.
Once you have the two Cranes it’s time to head into a Showdown. Then complete the two Free Roam Events and you are done for the day.
Good Luck out there!
Quick Guides
500 DISTANCE SWAM – Head to some water and start swimming. If you’re a lower level keep an eye on that stamina bar and keep close to the shore.
DISTANCE TRAVELLED BY COACH OR WAGON – Get a coach or wagon, your own or a stolen one, and travel the distance required.
2 FREE ROAM EVENTS PLAYED – Free Roam events happen every 45mins. Make sure you are in a free roam lobby when one is due to start to be invited. Simply just play 2 of them. Another time gated one but very simple.
3 PLAYER KILLS WITH THROWING WEAPONS IN SHOWDOWNS – Shootout or Takeover Series seem to work best. You have to be in a Lobby before the game starts for kills to count towards the challenge. remember, Dynamite counts as a throwing weapon.
VISITED A SHOP IN VALENTINE – Simply head over to Valentine and go to one of the shops or butchers. Easy Gold!
VISITED OWANJILA DAM – Head to the dam at the Eastern end of Owanjila lake over near Strawberry. Easy Gold!
2 WHOOPING CRANES PLUCKED – Whooping Cranes can be found in the wetlands of Lemoyne. Bluewater Marsh is my go to spot to hunt them. They can be found all around the outskirts of Saint Denis.
Madam Nazar And Collector Cycles
Madam Nazar is in New Austin today. She’s near Plainview in Rio Bravo…
American Wild Flowers: 2,
Tarot Cards: 1,
Jewelry: 4,
Alcohol: 1,
Bird Eggs: 2,
Arrowheads: 1,
Heirlooms: 6,
Coins: 3,
Fossils: 4,